(i think) he was a journalist

journ | ballo |  robo | furl | flickr | last.fm ]

(sma, 30. Juli 2012 um 20:31:16 MESZ)
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How come dudes like Justin Doss can wear all kinds of hats and the only thing I think of is, “Damn, that guy’s going to steal someone’s girl tonight.” WHY DO THEY LOOK COOL AND I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING ASSHOLE WHO WATCHED TOO MANY EPISODES OF BOARDWALK EMPIRE?!?!

Four Pins > Jon Moy > Going Bald In Style

(sma, 27. Juli 2012 um 12:02:36 MESZ)
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Ulrich Schnauss, Far Away Trains Passing By, schmerzhafte Erinnerungen an den Parkplatz, das Haus, das Zimmer, Janosch, Abende im Winter, im Sommer, Draussen ist es Dunkel und vor dem Fenster brennt bereits die Laterne, der Wind weht durchs Fenster, stille Welt.

(sma, 12. Juli 2012 um 22:20:22 MESZ)
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(sma, 10. Juli 2012 um 10:36:34 MESZ)
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»Sehr ruhige emotionale Platte, die man sich auf die Seele träufeln wird, wie sonst wenig.«

(sma, 5. Juli 2012 um 11:58:49 MESZ)
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»It’s all about finding the perfect GIF to respond to some question about where to buy a jacket that looks like the Junya fishtail parka, but only costs thirteen dollars.«

(sma, 4. Juli 2012 um 22:20:06 MESZ)
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(sma, 4. Juli 2012 um 14:37:02 MESZ)
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Man muss den ganzen Müll aus dem eigenen Kopf rausschmeissen.

(sma, 1. Juli 2012 um 22:25:23 MESZ)
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You're a part time lover and a full time friend The monkey on your back is the latest trend I don't see what anyone can see In anyone else but you

I'll kiss you on the brain in the shadow of the train I'll kiss you all starry eyed my body swingin' from side to side I don't see what anyone can see In anyone else but you

Here is the church and here is the steeple We sure are cute for two ugly people I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

Pebbles forgive me, the trees forgive me So why can't you forgive me? I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

I will find my niche in your car With my MP3, DVD, rumble pack, guitar I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

Up up down down left right left right B A start Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

You are always tryin' to keep it real I'm in love with how you feel I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage You want more fans, I want more stage I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

Don Quixote was a steel driving man My name is Adam, I'm your biggest fan I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you

Squinched up your face and did a dance Shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else But you but you

The Moldy Peaches: Anyone Else But You.

(sma, 23. Juni 2012 um 23:47:43 MESZ)
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Stately Sandwiches.

(sma, 3. Juni 2012 um 14:10:11 MESZ)
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Tokyo Compression.

(sma, 22. Mai 2012 um 17:20:47 MESZ)
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(sma, 7. Mai 2012 um 00:32:50 MESZ)
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Nach dem Konzert mit dem letzten Zug in Richtung Dollbergen, im Abteil öffne ich ein Fenster, Draußen ist es auch jetzt noch sehr warm, am nächsten Morgen muss ich wieder zur Schule. Ich schliesse das Fahrradschloss auf und fahre los, Another Late Night von Zero 7, zwischen den Feldern ist es dunkel, im Hintergrund läuft 93 Til' Infinity, der Wind weht und plötzlich steht ein Fuchs in der Mitte der Landstraße.

(sma, 1. Mai 2012 um 15:34:03 MESZ)
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(sma, 26. April 2012 um 00:30:25 MESZ)
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Genova per noi.

(sma, 18. April 2012 um 12:50:26 MESZ)
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