(i think) he was a journalist

journ | ballo |  robo | furl | flickr | last.fm ]

»They say cameras add ten pounds, but HP digital cameras can help reverse that effect. The slimming feature, available on select HP digital camera models, is a subtle effect that can instantly trim off pounds from the subjects in your photos!«

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 21:56:31 MEZ)
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Anne Will und Miriam Meckel.

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 18:35:07 MEZ)
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Wie gewohnt wegweisend: Twitter in CSI. [q]

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 18:30:23 MEZ)
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Sugar Sugar Honey!

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 05:43:22 MEZ)
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Leidenschaft für Menschen

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 03:20:57 MEZ)
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Sonntag. Ich mag Sonntage. Heute war wieder einer dieser Sonntage, an denen ich permanent das Gefühl hatte, dass mir jemand Watte in die Ohren gesteckt hat. Sehr angenehm ruhig alles mit einem Mal, gedämpft. Verliebt in eine Gruppe junger Männer, an denen ich mit einem Becher Kaffee in der Hand vorbeigehe. Eine schwarze Katze hockt unter einem weißen Auto und guckt. Sonntag als nutzlosester Tag der Woche. Als Tag für Telefongespräche mit Verwandten und Familienmitgliedern, als Tag für vertraute Gespräche zu dritt und als Tag der Phantasie.

(sma, 19. November 2007 um 03:04:24 MEZ)
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Grant Hamilton.

(sma, 18. November 2007 um 17:25:20 MEZ)
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(sma, 17. November 2007 um 21:16:56 MEZ)
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Atelier Tekuto!

(sma, 17. November 2007 um 21:01:41 MEZ)
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RECENT rumblings — perhaps one should say mumblings — indicate an emerging movement in American independent film. Specimens of the genre share a low-key naturalism, low-fi production values and a stream of low-volume chatter often perceived as ineloquence. Hence the name: mumblecore.
NYT > Dennis Lim > A Generation Finds Its Mumble

(sma, 17. November 2007 um 20:38:14 MEZ)
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»This is what happens when Quebec, Reggae, and Jazz take a shit.«

(sma, 17. November 2007 um 07:06:41 MEZ)
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(sma, 17. November 2007 um 05:50:52 MEZ)
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Vanessa Paradis.

(sma, 15. November 2007 um 19:02:25 MEZ)
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Using open-source software, cheap components and fabrication tools that were once available only in large machine shops, people like Ms. Fried are finding their own niches in the high-tech marketplace. Many are using the Web to share information and sell their wares. And several start-up companies are now catering to people with the urge to tinker.
NYT > John Biggs > Tinkering at Home, Selling on the Web

(sma, 15. November 2007 um 18:32:38 MEZ)
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Across the country, aspiring writers are using Craigslist not just as a place to offload their futons, but as a pixeled writing workshop where they test their stabs at social satire on some of the more than 30 million visitors that the site draws each month. Their personal ads ostensibly seek a soul mate, but what they’re really looking for is an audience.
NYT > Andrew Neman > You Say Fake Ads, They Say Satire

(sma, 15. November 2007 um 18:30:06 MEZ)
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