(i think) he was a journalist

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Mother, mother There's too many of you crying Brother, brother, brother There's far too many of you dying You know we've got to find a way To bring some lovin' here today Father, father We don't need to escalate War is not the answer For only love can conquer hate You know you've got to find a way To bring some understanding yeah today Aw, picket lines, picket signs Don't punish me with brutality Talk to me so you can see Oh what's going on, Tell me what's going on Mother, mother Ev'ry body thinks we're wrong Baby who are they to judge us 'Cause our hair is long You know we've got to find a way To bring some understanding here today Good God

What's Going On, Marvin Gaye. Immer. Immer. Immer.

(sma, 4. August 2005 um 20:00:00 MESZ)
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Having all this information available at my fingerprints does more than help me find my notes faster. Yes, when I'm trying to track down an article I wrote many years ago, it's now much easier to retrieve. But the qualitative change lies elsewhere: in finding documents I've forgotten about altogether, documents that I didn't know I was looking for.
The New York Times > Steven Johnson > Tool For Thought. Der Autor von Everything Bad Is Good For You (oder: Warum popular culture doch gut für uns ist) darüber, wie Suchmaschinen und digitale Archive seine Texte und sein Arbeiten verändert haben. Schon etwas älter, dennoch sehr lesenswert, wenn man das irgendwie interessant finden sollte.

(sma, 4. August 2005 um 10:19:00 MESZ)
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»Toby started to dream, and in his dream he was driving happily along a dirt road at the controls of a huge, powerful loader with wide tracks that curned along noisily and sent clouds of dust flying out behind.«

(sma, 4. August 2005 um 09:44:00 MESZ)
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