(i think) he was a journalist

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Even if you don’t read Russian, a recent print ad for Louis Vuitton is something of a visual joke: Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the last leader of the old Soviet Union, sits in a limousine as it passes a remaining part of the Berlin Wall, an open Louis Vuitton bag beside him. If you do read Russian, the ad seems to be even more curious: poking out of the bag is a publication with the headline, “The Murder of Litvinenko: They Wanted to Give Up the Suspect for $7,000.”
NYT > Dan Levin > Louis Vuitton Ad Shows Gorbachev Accompanied by Subversive Text. Zu Annie Leibovitz siehe auch die jüngste Fotoserie für Disney, unter anderem mit Beyoncé als Alice im Wunderland und Scarlett Johansson als Cinderella.

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