(i think) he was a journalist

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For all its fictional liberties, “24” depicts the fight against Islamist extremism much as the Bush Administration has defined it: as an all-consuming struggle for America’s survival that demands the toughest of tactics. Not long after September 11th, Vice-President Dick Cheney alluded vaguely to the fact that America must begin working through the “dark side” in countering terrorism. On “24,” the dark side is on full view. Surnow, who has jokingly called himself a “right-wing nut job,” shares his show’s hard-line perspective. Speaking of torture, he said, “Isn’t it obvious that if there was a nuke in New York City that was about to blow—or any other city in this country—that, even if you were going to go to jail, it would be the right thing to do?”
New Yorker > Jane Mayer > The politics of the man behind “24”
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am 09.03.07, 13:35  kommentierte wasweissich

Jack Bauer's dilemmas - and ours


Ups, ich vergaß zu sagen: via Michael Miner, dessen Weblogposting eigentlich sogar besser ist.
