(i think) he was a journalist

journ | ballo |  robo | furl | flickr | last.fm ]

It's easier to say what Indie 103's current incarnation isn't than what it is. What it isn't, mainly, is corporate radio. There's no bellicose lowbrow comedy, no nighttime remotes from the mall, no short playlist, no lengthy discussions of who got fired on The Appren tice, no talking over song introductions and finales, no 10-minute blocks of screaming ads, and, perhaps most important, no programming dictated by faraway computer software. "The basic difference between us and what you mostly hear is that we don't suck," Jones explains. "I'm being objective about this - most other radio sucks now."
Wired > Charles C. Mann > The Resurrection of Indie Radio. Ungefähr 2000 Zeichen zum Thema, immer auch mit Blick auf die Entwicklung, die das Radio genommen hat. Sehr interessant und auch durchaus anders als ein aus der Perspektive des deutschen Radio-Hörers verfasster Bericht.
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